In the upcoming months, Clark County REMC will be inspecting both electric poles and underground service lines. The work for both of these projects will begin in May and will take several months to complete. You may see contractors on our behalf in your area completing these inspections. These inspections will not interrupt service.

Contractors will be performing tests on both poles and underground service lines in the upcoming months. If you have a pad-mount transformer in your yard, please make sure its clear of debris.
We pride ourselves on continuous, reliable electric service and this proactive approach saves us money and helps increase our reliability. Pole maintenance plays a major role in prolonging a pole’s service life. Pole assessments involve either hand-digging around the base of the pole or performing a sound-and-bore test. Clark County REMC has contracted AES Utility Inspection to inspect the structural integrity of the poles.
For those of you that have a pad-mount transformer (big green box) in your yard, please take time before the growth of spring to make sure there are no shrubs, plants or other foliage planted anywhere near the transformer. REMC has contracted Quality Resources LLC to inspect these underground services on our behalf. By clearing away any obstructions, you can do your part in helping REMC continue to deliver the very best service possible.
We work hard to always put our members first. Thanks in advance for your patience as we keep your electric grid in excellent shape, in order to deliver reliable, affordable power to you, our member-owners. As always, if you have any questions please contact us.
General Manager