General Manager
March and April are always busy months for our co-op, because that’s when we host our annual meeting and director election. With COVID still lingering, we were not able to host our in-person meeting this year, but that didn’t stop you from casting your votes early online or by mail. I am pleased to report that this year, 6,731 votes were cast, which is 57% more than our previous record from 2019!
But more important than numbers is the connection that voting makes between you, our members, and REMC, the co-op that you own. I want to share a few quotes from our members about their experience voting in this year’s election:
“I love the way technology is being used to learn about the candidates and place a vote.”
“This was nice since we are older and don’t do much driving after nighttime. Thanks for the opportunity.”
“I appreciate the $10 bill credit. Every little bit helps these days.”
“Easy to use and understand, even for a novice user of computers. Thank you for allowing a safe way to vote in these very difficult and trying times.”
Clark County REMC is your co-op, so making sure you have the tools you need to let your voice be heard is one of our top priorities. I want to congratulate Joe Basham and Mark Huber on being elected to serve from Districts 4 and 5 for the next three years. I look forward to working with them and the rest of the REMC board of directors to serve you, our member-owners.