PPEC lineman Brandon Burelison plays a large role in helping Rodeo Night come together. His wife, Laura, and three sons (Evan, 1; Jase, 4; and Liam, 6) stand by his side, all united against cancer.
Whether you’re a bull rider resisting being thrown to the ground or a child coping with cancer, the goal is the same: Hang on and don’t let go.
Rodeo Night at the Paulding County Fair in June was an evening of powerful emotions. With nearly 800 people in the grandstands, the event raised more than $4,000 for Conquer Childhood Cancer Now (CCCN), a nonprofit group of volunteers working to give hope and assistance to families of children with cancer and to raise funds for research.
For the second year, Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative (PPEC) was a proud sponsor. With cancer impacting so many lives, including families and friends of PPEC employees, standing up to fight this devastating disease in our local community is crucial.
In 2010, CCCN was started by Patty Bishop after her daughter, Tiana, was diagnosed with cancer. One out of five children diagnosed loses his/her battle, and three out of five children face long-term side effects due to current treatments. Unfortunately, Tiana lost her battle in 2011. Most children aren’t diagnosed until they are already in stage 4 of their cancer because it grows so fast in their bodies. CCCN supports families coping with childhood cancer by assisting them with gas costs, utility bills, groceries, and more.
PPEC lineman Brandon Burelison — a longtime friend of the Smith family, who breeds PBR (Professional Bull Riding) bulls for the rodeo — has been “all in” the event for the past two years. “I have three young boys, and with my wife being a nurse who has worked with cancer patients, helping kids with cancer is a cause that really hits home,” Burelison said. “It’s a way to give back to my community.”
A total of 41 bull riders and nine barrel racers from across the nation came to support CCCN. The winners were awarded prize money and beautiful belt buckles.
CCCN is beyond grateful for the donations. The rodeo will be back in 2019 with an even bigger crowd — and fundraising goal.
Want to see more? Visit conquerchildhoodcancer.org. Additional Rodeo Night photos can be found on PPEC’s Facebook page at facebook.com/Paulding.Putnam.EC.