Tony Massie, DMREMC AMR/meter technician, demonstrates electrical safety to students in Lena Dunn Elementary School’s “WISH” program. The program received a $250 ORU grant to purchase circuit board kits for the explore electricity lesson.
The trustees of the Daviess-Martin Community Fund Inc. met at the quarterly board meeting on Dec. 14 to award grants to local groups and organizations.
Four organizations received a total of $4,360. This brings the total amount of grants awarded to $419,933.17 since 2004.
The four recipients were:
- After School Program/WISH at Lena Dunn Elementary: $250
- Retired Sr. Vol. Program, dba/RSVP Volunteer Center: $1,500
- Hope Resource Center: $1,110
- Martin County Mayor’s Youth Council: $1,500
If you are part of an organization that could benefit from an Operation Round Up grant, go to www.dmremc.com to download an application and submit it by Feb. 28.