October is Co-op Month

Do you know what the letters R-E-M-C stand for?

Posted on Sep 20 2018 in Fulton County REMC

R stands for Rural

The reason rural is a part of our name is that the roots of cooperative lines are in the farming community. When rural electrification was dreamed up, farmers formed the REMCs. The farmers of this area worked hard to bring an easier way of life to the area by getting electricity into their homes.

E stands for electric

It is hard for us to imagine life without electricity. It’s there for us at the touch of a switch.

M stands for membership

In no other organization do you have the rights as you do with a cooperative. You have the right to elect board of directors to make decisions that will affect you. You also have the right to become one of those directors. Most other organizations don’t give you these rights, and it is in your best interest to take advantage of your right to be heard.

C stands for corporation

Corporation means we are a business designed to provide you with the best possible service at the lowest possible price. We strive to keep our equipment maintained and updated so you have reliable service to run your household items.

With October being cooperative month, Fulton County REMC would like to thank its members, directors, linemen and office staff for all they do to keep Fulton County REMC running smoothly every day.