Nomination process for directors

Posted on Dec 21 2023 in Dubois REC

As an electric cooperative, Dubois REC is a democratic organization. This means a board of directors, elected by other co-op members, guides the co-op. These directors, who are members of Dubois REC themselves, actively participate in setting policies, making decisions and safeguarding the interests of co-op members.

One benefit to being a member of a locally owned, not-for-profit electric cooperative is that you have the opportunity to help determine these directors, or run for a position on the board yourself.

Each year, members elect two or three directors from the co-op’s seven districts. Rotating terms help maintain continuity on the board and help ensure balanced representation for members. These directors have responsibilities regarding the financial health of Dubois REC. They also hire the CEO/general manager.

Directors represent all members. They attend monthly meetings, where they receive updates, make decisions and plan for the future in a way that best meets the needs of all members of the cooperative.

They also participate in state and national associations, as appropriate. Directors pay the same rates and follow the same rules and regulations as other members. They must permanently reside in the Dubois REC service area and they must meet a list of qualifications as outlined in the co-op’s bylaws. (A complete publication of the Dubois REC bylaws is posted at

Incumbent board members must file a written notice of their intent to seek re-election at least 60 days before the annual meeting. Any member who would like to run for election to the board of directors must submit a petition, signed by 20 other members, at least 60 days before the annual meeting. A sample of the petition is printed below, and members can pick up an official petition in our office.

If you feel you are qualified and interested in serving your cooperative, pick up a petition and begin collecting signatures. The completed petition must be submitted to Dubois REC after 7 a.m. on Dec. 31, 2023, and before 4 p.m. on Feb. 9, 2024.

In 2024, members will elect directors to represent Districts 1 and 5. Incumbent directors running for election are Andy Schwenk (District 1), and Brad Knies (District 5).

Sample petition Dubois