Randy Kleaving is the incumbent director for District 5.
He and his wife, Dawn, live in Anderson Township in Perry County and are the parents of two sons, Blake and Adam.
Kleaving has a self-employed farming operation raising grain and beef cattle. He is a retired fireman and continues to serve on the Board of Directors for the Anderson Township Volunteer Fire Department. He is an elected Perry County Commissioner.
Through his experience with Southern Indiana Power, he has been selected to represent your co-op on the Indiana Electric Cooperatives Board of Directors and has served the roles of president and vice president. In 2019, Kleaving was nominated and elected to serve as the Indiana Director on the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Board of Directors. During his service on the board, he has also completed the NRECA director certification program to obtain the Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) recognition.
Kleaving and his wife are members of St. Mark Catholic Church.

Kyle Knieriem is the incumbent director for District 6.
After serving as financial center manager for German American in Rockport for 11 years, he is now a mortgage loan officer covering Perry and Spencer Counties.
He graduated in 1996 from Perry Central High School and in 2000 from Indiana University. In addition to his roles with German American and Southern Indiana Power, Knieriem is also Advisory Council Chair for Junior Achievement in Spencer County. He served nine years as a board member and treasurer for Spencer County Economic Development Corporation and nine years as a board member and president of Spencer County CASA. He had various roles with the Spencer County Regional Chamber of Commerce, including two years as president.
Knieriem resides in Derby with his wife, Valerie, and three children, Luke, Jack, and Kate. He spends most of his time outside of work running from sports event to sports event, and enjoys hunting, fishing, and as many outdoor activities as possible.