Local organizations receive

Posted on May 27 2024 in Dubois REC

As an electric cooperative, Dubois REC is guided by seven cooperative principles. Principle #7 is “Concern for Community.” One of the most significant ways Dubois REC helps support local groups and organizations in our community is through our Operation Round Up program.

Dubois REC members who participate in Operation Round Up allow their monthly electric bills to be “rounded up” to the next dollar. Participating members contribute around 50 cents per month. That spare change is placed in a community fund, overseen by a volunteer board of trustees.

This volunteer board meets each quarter to review the requests for grants. Local community groups, nonprofits, fire departments, school programs and similar organizations can apply.

This month we are pleased to announce $8,500 in Operation Round Up grants were awarded to three local organizations. They are pictured at right, along with details about each grant.

Since 2011, Dubois REC has given more than $500,000 back to the community in the form of member-funded grants.


If your group or organization could benefit from an Operation Round Up grant, visit duboisrec.com and look in the “Community” section for information about the Operation Round Up program.

Download an application, complete it and submit the application along with supporting documents by June 30 to be considered for our next round of community grants.

If you are not currently participating in Operation Round Up visit our website, duboisrec.com, look in the “Community” section and download an “Opt-In” form to start rounding up your electric bill. You can also call the Dubois REC office to get more info and an application.

Dubois County Humane Society
Kelly Eckerle-Dixon of the Dubois County Humane Society, left, accepts a $5,000 grant from Operation Round Up Representative Miranda Swope. The grant will fund Kennel Banks new spay/neuter clinic.

Jasper High School
Jasper High School received a $2,500 grant for the Special Needs Department. Pictured, from left, are JHS teacher Mr. Shelton, Adam Nordhoff, Miranda Swope (Operation Round Up Representative), Jenny Cortez, and Dominic Ballou.

Orange County Cancer Patient Services
Jenny Wellman of the Orange County Cancer Patient Services Inc., left, accepts a $1,000 grant from Operation Round Up Representative Miranda Swope. The funds will be used to purchase gas and food cards for cancer patients.