Lighting the Way: Amber Kunkel puts members first

Posted on Apr 05 2023 in Noble REMC
Amber Kunkel

From a family strongly rooted in the Central Noble area, Amber Kunkel knew she would always stay a self-professed “small-town girl.”

That’s fortunate for us here at Noble REMC. She’s gone above and beyond as our member services representative — connecting with our members and helping them when and where she can.

Though she dreams of vacations full of sandy beaches and the bright sun, there’s nowhere else she would rather live than here with her family, friends and community.

Let’s learn about Amber:

What’s been your journey here at the co-op? 

“Actually, my mom worked here when she was right out of high school. She worked here until after she had my brother and I, and she’d always told me what a great place it was to work. Shortly out of high school, I started in the manufacturing world in customer service. I never really thought I’d have the chance to work here, so when the opportunity arose, I jumped on board and started as a receptionist.”

What’s something people may not know about your job?

“First of all, I love serving the members — that is why I love my job. They may not know that I’m also a member. So, with many of the questions, concerns, maybe even complaints at times, I am dealing with the same issues as far as outages or updating my payment information. I’m in the same boat with them.”

What do you like to do with your spare time? 

“Honestly, I’ve spent a lot of my adult life at wrestling, track, volleyball and baseball events with my kids. So, I guess it would make sense that I like to watch sports. We follow the Wisconsin Badgers because of Central Noble alum Connor Essegian. We also follow the Indiana University Hoosiers because I’m a Hoosier, as well as the Indianapolis Colts and the New York Yankees.” 

How did you become a fan of the Yankees? 

“My husband has always been a fan of the Yankees. I was a Red Sox fan when we first met, and he has since converted me. We watched the playoffs leading up to the World Series the first year we were together, so I decided I would make that switch.”

Speaking of your family, tell us a little bit about them.

“My roots run very deep in the community. Not only was I born and raised here, so were my parents. Actually, you can take a walk through the school (Central Noble High School) if you’re going to any athletic event and there are photos of a lot of my family, including me, in the hallway. I am very proud to be a member of this community.”

What’s your favorite music? 

“I love country. It’s soothing, it’s relaxing. I like Christian music. I can get down in a second with some ’90s music, though. But, if I’m going to listen to something, honestly, it’s probably ‘Big Mad True Crime’ podcast.” 

What’s your favorite TV show?

“I’ve always been a small-town girl, but never been a farm girl. However, I did get addicted to ‘Yellowstone.’ And, I didn’t ever think I would say that I like the cowboy, but Rip Wheeler stole my heart.”

What is your favorite vacation spot?

“I have been to Jamaica several times, starting with my honeymoon. It was also my first time out of the country. One of the coolest memories I have is when we were able to take all of our kids there. They were all still at home and in school, and we got to stay at an all-inclusive resort. Looking back, we just had some really great times that year. My favorite vacation spot, though, is anywhere with palm trees, sun and a beach.”

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

“It was from my grandma Mary. When I was very young, when I would always wish life away — I wanted to be a teacher, I wanted to grow up — she would always say, ‘The days are long, and the years are short.’ And I used to think she was just being silly, and now I realize she was right. She was the most incredible woman, one of the most incredible women I ever met.”