Let us know if you depend on life-support equipment

Posted on Jan 20 2024 in Dubois REC
Life support graphic

If you rely on life sustaining equipment, such as respirators or dialysis machines, please let Dubois REC know.

It is particularly important for us to be aware of these situations when the need for electrical power is especially crucial. We can keep you advised of extended or planned outages if we are aware of these special situations. However, this is not a guarantee of uninterrupted service. Despite our best efforts, an interruption in electric service may be caused by auto accidents, storms, wildlife, or other unpredictable circumstances. Therefore, our members who rely on life sustaining equipment should also obtain emergency backup systems, such as batteries or generators.

If you rely on a life support system, please take a few moments right now and send us a copy of your doctor’s or home health care provider’s statement that you require this support. Tell us what type of equipment you have as well as the type of emergency backup equipment in use. Be sure to include your phone number so we can contact you should the need arise.

If you notified us in the past and no longer have the equipment in use, please let us know. In a major storm, we would not want to provide a priority to that service when others may require it for a life threatening situation.