Kale, especially when cooked instead of eaten raw, is considered one of the healthiest vegetables. It’s packed with vitamins A, C and K; contains a considerable amount of calcium; and also has folate and potassium. It improves eye health, lowers blood cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease.
- Collard greens are packed with fiber, which minimizes the severity of LDL cholesterol in the blood. They also contain vitamin K and other minerals, which ensure better bone development and the formation of healthy cells.
- Turnip leaves or turnip greens are low in calories, but loaded with calcium and vitamins A, C and K. They also include iron, which helps form and develop healthy red blood cells to ensure that enough oxygen is circulated throughout your body.
- Swiss chard with its beet-like taste is packed with calcium to support healthy bones and prevent osteoporosis. Swiss chard even improves skin health. Vitamins A and C produce collagen, which helps the skin and
prevents acne. - Spinach is one of the most nutrient-dense foods. It’s low in calories and high in vitamins. While it provides more nutrients cooked, it is still excellent for you when eaten raw in salads. Spinach includes many cancer-fighting antioxidants and has been shown to protect your brain function from premature aging.
- In addition to being rich in vitamins C and A, broccoli contains a high amount of potassium, which helps maintain a strong nervous system and optimum brain function.
SOURCE: thescienceofeating.com