Let’s talk about some of the services you might not know Fulton County REMC offers.
First of all, we offer a water heater program. If you have an electric water heater and allow us to install a load control switch on it at no charge, we will fix that water heater for free during working hours. You will be responsible for only plumbing and electrical problems. We can fix everything but a water heater that has rusted and is leaking. But if your water heater needs to be replaced, we will offer you a new 50-gallon water heater at a reduced price. If you are building a new home on our lines or want to replace a gas water heater, we will offer you the same 50-gallon water heater at the same reduced price — currently $150!
Second, we offer an air-to-air heat pump or geothermal heat pump rebate program. If you are building a new home on our lines or replacing the heating or cooling system in your existing home on our lines, give us a call. We offer rebates on both geothermal and air-to-air heat pumps and may be able to let you know where to get additional rebates. Give us a call, and we could save you hundreds of dollars.
We also offer an energy advisor program where we will come to your home and conduct an energy audit. It can be as extensive as you want. Sometimes, it is simply a report on your energy use over the last three years and how you control that use. Or it can be a walkthrough of your home where we ask questions and give recommendations on where you could save money.

Want to know how you can save money and energy? Give us a call, and we will come to your home for an energy audit. This could include a blower door test to show leaks in your home.
Another option in our energy advisor program is to perform a blower door test. This is when we install a large fan in one of your outside doorways and put your house in a negative pressure state. It is like having a 20 mile per hour wind blowing against all four sides of your house at the same time. While it is under this pressure, we walk around the inside and look for leaks with a thermal camera. (Many times you can actually feel the leaks!)
We also have ACH auto draft, which allows your bill payment to be automatically drafted for you on the 15th of each month from your savings or checking account or credit/debit card for the amount due. That means we can set it up so your electric bill gets paid automatically each month. You will still get a statement but it will be marked in blue letters: “Account will be drafted on _/_/_.” (Date will be filled in on statement.) This means no more writing checks, no more paying for postage to send a check, no more driving to the office to make a payment. You get the idea! It also works well for our members who travel a lot or go to warmer states in the winter.
Let’s face it. Indiana isn’t the best place to be in January and February in terms of weather. If you aren’t home to take care of your electric bill when it comes, no worries. It is taken care of automatically for you. Pretty nice, huh? If you think this may be just the thing for you, set it up through SmartHub or give us a call at 574-223-3156 and talk to one of our highly skilled employees to get you set up for the ACH payment program.
If our ACH auto draft program doesn’t work for you, you might prefer an internet payment option. Just go to our website at www.fultoncountyremc.coop. Hover on “billing,” then “payment options.” Here, you will see all the different options you have to pay your bill. If you click on SmartHub and set up an account (you will need your account number from last bill), you can pay your bill and access other information — bill details, payment history, bill history and more.
Lastly, we install Exede satellite internet service. This means if you do not have internet, chances are we can bring it to you. Exede can be installed at any location with a clear view to the southwest sky and electric within 100 feet. Exede will deliver internet to you at speeds up to 30 megabytes per second and, in some areas. up to 100 megabytes per second. That’s way fast enough for music, web surfing, email, video and online bill paying. Give us a call at 574-223-3156 for all the details. We will be happy to answer any questions you have.
Greg Bitterling
Member Services Manager and
Energy Advisor at Fulton County REMC