Operation Round Up: Making a Difference

Posted on Sep 03 2023 in Noble REMC

“Commitment to community” is one of the pillars that sets Noble REMC apart from other organizations.

That’s why we’re so grateful to our members who help us in our mission to give back through our Operation Round grant program.

With more than 85% of our members participating in the program, the pennies donated by rounding up your bill each month are making a big impact. Your contributions are reaching every part of our community, from local schools to food pantries and medical assistance programs.

The third quarter distribution of the Operation Round Up Trust Fund awarded more than $12,000 to seven different organizations in our community, including:

Hoosiers Feeding the Hungry, $1,000, meat processing

Central Noble Junior/Senior High School, $2,500, sixth grade outdoor educational trip

Boomerang Backpacks, $1,500, for food

Lighthouse Childcare & Learning Service, $2,651, air purifiers and a defibrillator

St. John Lutheran School, $1,000, reading programs and books

East Noble Band Boosters, Inc., $2,465, drum major podiums

HearCare Connections, Inc., $1,000, hearing aid services

Thank you again to those members who choose to participate in the program and contribute to improving the quality of life in our area. None of this would be possible without your generosity.

For local nonprofit organizations who are seeking funding for a project, please fill out and return an application to the Noble REMC office by Sept. 29 to be considered for the next round of Operation Round Up disbursements. Applications can be downloaded at nobleremc.com.