Hot advice on space heating

Posted on Dec 20 2018 in Kankakee Valley REMC

Is your home not as warm as you’d like or maybe you are worried about your heating bills this winter? If you might be thinking a space heater is the answer, we want you to consider all the facts before you plug that space heater in.

While a space heater can generate a tremendous amount of heat in a very short time, it is not the ideal solution for heating a home. Sometimes just adding a layer of your favorite comfy sweatshirt is enough to take away the chill. If that doesn’t do the trick, then operating a small heater might be an inexpensive option if you’re looking just to heat one room or supplement your main heating source.

Some space heaters are marketed to cost only pennies a day to operate and come with a standard 1500 wattage rating. Keep in mind that for every unit of electricity that is consumed by these devices, they produce one unit of heat. On a 1500 W space heater, running six hours in a 24-hour period-of-time, you can expect to see an approximate $24 jump in your electric bill per month. This was figured using the 9 cent per kWh cost.

While adding several space heaters as a supplement to your central heating system is likely to drive up your energy costs, selective use can help you save money. The key to efficient space heater use is to use it only in smaller rooms that are occupied infrequently, in conjunction with lowering your thermostat setting on your central heating source.

If you decide to pull out the space heater this season, think about safety. Because space heaters are designed specifically to produce heat, they should be plugged directly into a wall. If an extension cord must be used, be sure it is made of 14-gauge wire or larger. Also, make sure space heaters are clear of all flammable materials and out of reach of small children or pets.

If you are looking for ways to increase your comfort that won’t increase your overall energy use, call our energy advisor. His services are free and he can help you achieve comfort and savings.