Highlights of the June 21 board meeting

Posted on Jul 25 2017 in Southern Indiana Power

In an effort to keep you informed of your cooperative’s operations and activities, the following are highlights of the June 21 board meeting.

1. All directors were present along with CEO Steve Seibert. Also present was Administrative Assistant Lisa Hinton.

2. The May 25, 2017, board meeting minutes were reviewed and approved.

3. The membership certificates and vouchers were reviewed and approved.

4. The director’s reports were reviewed and approved.

5. The CEO report was the first item of new business. Seibert reported the following items:

a. Seibert provided an update on Tell City’s proposed annexation.

b. Seibert reported the highlights of a Hoosier Energy Managers’ Association meeting held June 8.

c. Seibert provided an update on a Waupaca joint operating committee meeting.

d. Seibert reported the spray crew is spraying in the Evanston and Lamar areas.

e. Seibert reported pole treating continues on the New Haven substation.

f. Seibert attended Orange County REMC’s annual meeting on Friday, June 2.

g. Seibert reported the following meeting dates: annual meeting committee and marketing committee will both meet June 23, Heartland REMC Annual Meeting June 24, CoBank Conference June 26-27, Jackson County Annual Meeting July 21, and NRECA Regional Meeting on Sept. 7-8. The Washington, D.C., legislative meeting will be Sept. 13.

6. The next safety training is scheduled for Tuesday, June 27. Seibert advised there were no lost time accidents and no public liability claims to report.

7. Seibert reviewed the 2016-2017 strategic plan action plans.

8. A policy and bylaw committee meeting has been scheduled for Aug. 21.

9. A capital credit committee meeting has been scheduled for July 24.

10. Seibert was selected as voting delegate for the upcoming United Utility Supply annual meeting.

11. Director Michelle Lynch reported on the CFC Forum held June 12-14.

12. Chairman Jeff Vogel shared thank you letters received from Ruth Peter and family and Youth Tour participant Kyla Dilger.

13. The next regularly scheduled board of directors meeting will be Wednesday, July 26.