Blessings in a Backpack is one of three local organizations that received an Operation Round Up grant. Blessings in a Backpack will use the funding to provide food to children. Robin Neidig, left, and Christine Garner are pictured.
On Oct. 25, the Marshall County REMC Operation Round Up® board awarded grants, totaling $3,525, to three organizations.
Blessings in a Backpack of Plymouth received funding to assist in providing food to children. Blessings in a Backpack sends food items home each Friday, during the school year, with kids who don’t have food to eat at home. Kids eligible to receive food must be on the free lunch program.
Junior Achievement serving Marshall County received funding to provide JA curriculum in Marshall County classrooms for the 2016–17 school year. The curriculum includes a caring, trained adult from the local community who visits the classroom five to seven times and delivers professionally-written, hands-on and engaging lessons focused on workforce readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy.
Girl Scouts of Northern Indiana-Michiana received funding to assist with membership dues, camp fees and scholarships. The organization’s sole purpose is to provide girls in kindergarten through 12th grade with the environment and opportunities necessary for them to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to fulfill their potential to become strong women and leaders.
The Operation Round Up program allows Marshall County REMC members to reach out to worthy causes in their community and work together to help others. Thank you to those members who round up their electric bills to the next highest dollar each month and to the Marshall County Community Foundation for making these donations possible. You have helped donate more than $62,000 to organizations in the community!
The next round of grants will be awarded in January. Charitable organizations within the Marshall County service territory are eligible to apply. The organization does not have to be a member of Marshall County REMC. Applications can be picked up at the REMC office or downloaded at marshallremc.com.