Get involved! Meet the candidates.

Posted on Mar 18 2024 in Henry County REMC
Melissa True
Melissa True

A significant amount of thought and consideration has gone into our Annual Meeting and voting process for this year. One of our new and key events is coming up on May 22, when Henry County REMC will host a Meet the Candidate event for you, the members we proudly serve. I look forward to this event because it’s an excellent opportunity for me, candidates on the ballot, current board members, and our employees to talk with our members and hear what’s on their minds.

We hope you will join us for this collaboration, which will take place in the Henry County REMC warehouse. Voting for the board of directors’ election will continue to be online only; however, booths will be set up during the event to aid in the voting process. Whether you attend in person or choose to vote online, we thank you in advance for getting involved because your participation means so much to us.

Members attending the event will engage in informative sessions to outline important principles within our cooperative. We’ll share updates on rebates, electric vehicles, energy-saving ideas, Operation Round Up, and more!

And we’re going to have fun too! We’ll have activities for the kids and a hotdog meal, and you can enter to win a door prize!

Spending time with you and hearing your take on our cooperative’s future is important. It’s essential because the members of our community shape everything we do. As I’m sure you know, the energy industry is in the midst of massive change. Consumer needs and changing technology impact nearly every aspect of managing and delivering energy to local homes, schools, and businesses.

As we navigate significant changes in the coming years, we need to hear from you and your neighbors to inform us of your utility needs as we strive to meet the long-term needs of all Henry County members.


You may wonder if your opinion makes a difference, and yes, it does! Gaining guidance and perspective from our members and board helps set priorities for the co-op and guide future decisions. At our Meet the Candidates event, we raise issues for voting consideration by the general membership — that’s everyone who pays for electric service from Henry County REMC. This is also a time for members to vote on the co-op’s board of directors.

Our board of directors is comprised of nine members who live and work right here in our local service area, so they are in the best position to know where community investments are most needed. And by the way, we hope you’ll consider running for the board — we’re always looking for folks who care about our community and would be willing to serve.


This local input means those closest to the community know its needs and priorities and help direct where co-op dollars are spent. Every year, we invest funds to update our local system, which helps maintain reliability and grid resilience. Think of it this way: every time you pay your electric bill, you’re investing in your community because you are helping to invest in the improvements of our local electric infrastructure. By making these investments in our local system, we can ensure you have reliable power for everyday life.

Most consumers likely don’t equate active involvement with their electric company as helping their community, but Henry County REMC is not an ordinary utility company. We’re a co-op, and our business model is meant to serve the members and the community in which it operates.

Our core purpose and mission are to provide safe, reliable, and affordable power, but as a co-op, we’re also motivated by service to our community rather than profits. We hope you will exercise the benefits of your coop membership and join us for the member engagement event on May 22 from 4–7 p.m. We look forward to seeing you, and don’t forget to pick up your gift while you are there!