by Laura Matney

Putting aerators on your facets can save you water … and energy.
Just because a renter doesn’t own his/her home doesn’t mean energy-saving improvements can’t be made to the apartment or rental property. The 10 tips on this list do not significantly modify the house, but still can save the renter money.
Here is the list:
1) Low-flow showerhead: Remove that old showerhead and replace it with an energy efficient low-flow model.
2) Insulated drapes/blackout curtains/cellular blinds: Covering your windows with insulated dressings such as blackout curtains or cellular blinds will significantly reduce your heating bills.
3) Foam insulating gaskets: Putting foam insulating gaskets behind your outlets is a cheap and easy way to reduce heat loss.
4) Draft stoppers: Place mobile draft stoppers in front of drafty doors and windows.
5) Plastic window insulation/bubble wrap: Insulate your windows by covering them with plastic.
6) LED bulbs: They save a lot of energy. Also, turn off lights when you are not in the room.
7) Pay attention to your fridge: In an apartment building, 25 percent of your electric bill can be attributed to the fridge. Keep its compressor coils clean to ensure your energy bill stays low.
8) Surge protectors/power bars: Phantom power is a problem, and it can be hard to remember to unplug every single appliance from the walls. With these devices, you only have to unplug one plug. Some power bars can stop phantom power with the flick of a switch.
9) Hot water bottle/electric blanket: Don’t turn up that thermostat. Instead, invest in an electric blanket or a hot water bottle. Both use less energy than a central heating system.
10) Aerators: Put aerators on your faucets to save water … and energy.
Laura Matney is the energy efficiency programs manager for Wabash Valley Power, a not-for-profit generation and transmission electric cooperative serving 23 member distribution co-ops in Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri. Information from the article was culled from