Noble REMC has been in the community for 85 years. How well do you know the history of the cooperative? Some of the answers might just surprise you. Circle your choices and check the bottom of the story for the right answers!
How much was our original established membership fee?
A. $2.50
B. $4
C. $5
D. $7.50
Why did the co-op move its annual meeting date away from February?
A. To avoid unpredictable winter weather issues
B. To avoid conflict with the county basketball tourney
C. To expand our outdoor entertainment offerings
D. To stop members from using it as their Valentine’s Day night out
What programs were implemented in the 1950s? (Circle all that apply.)
A. Right-of-way trimming
B. Security lighting
C. Underground line installation
D. Power Use Advisor
What newly implemented government program affected the co-op’s finances in 1963?
A. Clean Air Act
B. Medicaid
C. 5-digit ZIP codes
D. Indiana sales tax
In April of 1974, what natural disaster caused $27,000 in damage to our power lines?
A. Strong winds
B. Snowstorm
C. Tornado
D. Earthquake
Which substation was constructed – with our operations department as the general contractor – and energized in this decade?
A. Diamond Lake
B. LaOtto
C. Skinner Lake
D. Fairfield
How far in advance did the co-op start preparing for Y2K?
A. Two years
B. One year
C. 6 months
D. Just crossed our fingers and hoped for the best
Noble REMC entered agreements in 2000 to provide two new services. Which were they? (Circle both.)
A. Propane
B. Irrigation load management
C. Automatic payments
D. Long distance telephone
How many solar panels are located at the LaOtto Solar Generating Station, which was finished in 2019 as part of our Co-op Solar program?
A. 1,112
B. 2,364
C. 3,648
D. 7,250
Time to check your answers, and hopefully, learn something new about Noble REMC!
1930s: C — It would go down to $4 in 1943.
1940s: B — This is Hoosier country after all!
1950s: A, B — The board voted to “refuse to install underground lines” in 1954, and the Power Use Advisor program began in 1962, with the first advisor hired in 1964.
1960s: D — The 2% sales tax was required beginning with December’s billing and netted $835.
1970s: C — This was nothing in comparison to an ice storm that caused $100,000 in damage in 2002.
1980s: A — It was energized in 1984; the others were completed in the 1990s-2000s.
1990s: B — We began reviewing compliance issues in the last part of 1998 to ensure continued service in the new millennium.
2000s: A, D — Initial cost of propane was set at $1.17 per gallon, and in-state and out-of-state long-distance calls were 6.5 cents per minute.
2010s: C — The solar array is also unique in that wildflowers were planted on site to attract pollinators and help the environment two-fold.