Your KV REMC crews are working to deliver safe and reliable electricity to your home and business. In this section, we will provide you details on particular projects and areas of focus this month.

FIBER LOOP PROJECT — Last month, our contractors completed Phase 1 of the fiber loop project. Construction on Phase 2 has begun. Optical Cross-Connect cabinets are now located near KV REMC substations. These cabinets are similar to many others you may see along the road. They are a big part of the infrastructure required to complete our fiber optics loop.
FIBER MAKE READY — Kankakee Valley REMC crews will be performing system improvement requirements in preparation for attaching fiber optics lines to the electric poles. This work includes maintenance and the replacement of poles when necessary.
LINE CONSTRUCTION — As part of our continuous commitment to service and safety, our contract crews will be rebuilding sections of line in the Porter County area near Lakes of the Four Seasons. The line rebuilds are necessary in preparation for the upgrade to the Porter substation. These locations include:
- 675 W. north of 250 S.
- 725 W. north of 250 S.
- 275 S. west of 725 W.