Commitment to service

Posted on Nov 01 2019 in Clark County REMC
Photo of David Vince
General Manager

At Clark County REMC, we aim to provide the highest quality service to you, our members, and we use several measurements to track how we’re doing. Since you are the owners of this organization, I thought I would share some of those results with you.

The core of our business is providing reliable electricity to everyone on our lines, from big businesses and shopping centers to family farms and homes. While we can’t control how many storms come through our system, or what those storms may do to our grid, we can control other things that impact the reliability we provide you. Our most recent score showed that, for outages not related to major storms, our members lose power an average of 1.75 hours per year. Other Hoosier Energy co-ops averaged 3.5 hours without power per year. No one wants to lose power, but we are proud that our members’ outage times are half of other systems.

Another measurement of success comes directly from you through the ACSI survey. This national survey is conducted annually to measure how satisfied consumers are with the service you receive. Across the country in 2019, electric co-ops averaged a satisfaction score of 75 out of 100. Investor-owned and municipal utilities both averaged 73. So how did your co-op score? 86! Not to brag, but that’s a higher score than Apple, Aldi’s, and Subaru, and some of the most beloved brands in the country.

I believe our members deserve the best service possible, so I hope this peek into our business shows you that we are working hard to make that a reality.