Clearing rights-of-way the right way

Posted on Apr 05 2023 in Noble REMC
President and CEO

We love trees, too.

We know everyone in our community enjoys the beauty and shade that trees provide, but without regular trimming, trees and power lines can be a dangerous mix.

When trees grow too close to power lines and poles, they can cause service disruptions and outages or interfere with our work. That’s why Noble REMC trims branches and limbs that grow over and into our lines and sprays herbicide on vegetation growing under our lines and around our poles.

Clearing trees and overgrown vegetation is vital to provide safe, reliable power to you, our members.

We clear certain areas in our service territory, known as rights-of-way, to:

  • Keep power lines clear of tree limbs
  • Restore power outages more quickly
  • Keep crews and members of our community safe
  • Reduce unexpected costs for repairs

As the weather warms, you will see our right-of-way crew out doing what they do best — keeping you and your family safe, while maintaining service reliability for you.

This year, our spraying crew will be focusing its efforts on the top one-third of our territory, which covers our entire service territory north of U.S. 6.

The spraying application uses non-restricted chemicals that are scientifically designed to work on plants, not people or animals. 

If you would like to maintain the right-of-way that crosses your property in some other way, “Do Not Spray” signs are available at the Noble REMC office, but you must make sure the signs are visible and legible from the roadway and notify us of your location.

We appreciate your understanding as the Noble REMC right-of-way crew works hard each and every day to keep trees, limbs and vegetation clear from all sides and underneath more than 1,250 miles of energized line in our service territory. 

Our primary concern is to maintain public safety and the safety of our employees, as well as to keep power flowing reliably across our distribution lines to you and the nearly 10,000 other members we serve.