Charge Ahead program revs up

Posted on Feb 19 2023 in Noble REMC

Do you own an electric vehicle and are looking to save money on the cost of charging at home?

Charge Ahead logo

Noble REMC has a program to fit your needs: Charge Ahead.

By signing up, the program provides members who own electric vehicles the option to increase their energy efficiency, while also saving them money, by offering a time-of-use rate for their electricity.

EV owners will be given a discounted rate for charging their vehicle outside of our peak time from 5-8 p.m., when electricity is more expensive because of the higher amount of demand on our system. This will allow EV owners to save money, while also helping us to maintain the reliability of our grid.

The technology behind EVs is changing fast, extending battery lives while bringing down costs for consumers and expanding its appeal to even the most rural areas. As your local electric cooperative, we can’t help but think about how EVs will impact energy use and how we can stay ahead of the curve. We plan to be prepared when EVs make their mark in northeast Indiana, and the first step is to Charge Ahead.

For more information or to sign up for the program, please call our office at 800-933-7362 to speak with Energy Advisor Brian Hawk about Charge Ahead, because every mile matters.