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A ‘right’ to hunt and fish
By Jack Spaulding On Election Day, Indiana voters overwhelmingly approved an amendment to the state’s Constitution. According to Ballotpedia with 99.9 percent of precincts reported, the constitutional amendment snared 2,390,883 votes. That was 82 percent of Indiana voters in favor. The amendment ensures the rights of the citizens of Indiana to hunt and fish. Section… Continue reading.
Eating like the ‘ancient ones’
By Jack Spaulding Several years ago while on vacation in New Mexico, we discovered a new legume and a new taste treat. Spaulding custom generally includes a fall “bean fest” where we put a pot of beans on the fire, cook up a raft of cornbread and finish by foundering ourselves on sugar cream and… Continue reading.
Bovine TB testing for wild deer
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Fish & Wildlife has announced plans to establish management and surveillance zones in three east central Indiana counties in response to the recent finding of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in a wild white-tailed deer at a Franklin County cattle farm. The plan designates a Bovine Tuberculosis Management Zone… Continue reading.
Casting online
By Jack Spaulding For years, I would wait for the convenience of the Boat, Sport & Travel Show in Indianapolis in February to buy my hunting and fishing licenses for the coming year. Once in a while, I would slip up and forget to buy a needed stamp or permit and have to make a… Continue reading.
Danger downstream
By Jack Spaulding Everyone enjoys a peaceful canoe or kayak trip in the summertime. Floating and gently paddling downstream is relaxing, and the scenery is always interesting when running a river during the hazy, lazy days of summer. But travelers need to be aware: Often, unseen danger exists on many Indiana rivers. One situation to… Continue reading.
Reviving ‘Elm Street’
By Janna Beckerman Why the emerald ash borer is such a problem today is because the Dutch elm disease forever changed the landscapes of the Midwest and Northeast United States. Dying elm trees were often replaced by green ash, setting the stage for the current epidemic of emerald ash borer. So, if you’re looking at… Continue reading.
Lofty eavesdropping
By Jack Spaulding A show of companionship and survival is available to view live from an Indiana Department of Natural Resources webcam. The camera offers a glimpse into the lives of a barn owl pair raising chicks. Barn owls are a rarity and a state-endangered species. The pair on the webcam has been living in a… Continue reading.
DNR clarifies new rifle law
By Jack Spaulding The Indiana Department of Natural Resources has issued a response to some of the questions rising from House Enrolled Act 1231, a new law that came out of this year’s General Assembly that legalized certain rifles for deer hunting beginning later this year. The DNR has received numerous questions regarding the legislation…. Continue reading.
Talking wild turkey
By Jack Spaulding Over the course of my lifetime, I’ve had the privilege of seeing Indiana trap, trade and transport wild turkeys bringing them into almost every county in the state. The first spring turkey hunt wasn’t much to talk about as only 62 hunters pursued the wild turkey in 1970. As a result, Hoosier… Continue reading.
Blue & Gold gardens
By B. Rosie Lerner To celebrate Indiana’s bicentennial this year, the Garden Club of Indiana and the Indiana Bicentennial Commission are hoping gardeners will join the Blue & Gold garden tribute to Indiana’s state flag. It’s an easy way for all Indiana residents to commemorate the bicentennial. If you don’t have a traditional garden bed,… Continue reading.
Adding to the depth charts
By Jack Spaulding Learning a new lake is always a challenge for anglers. When you are on an unfamiliar lake you may be asking yourself: Where are the drop offs? The humps? The flats? The ridges and breaks? Knowing the water makes it easier to find fish. Fishing aficionados plying Indiana lakes have been given… Continue reading.
A gardener’s glossary
By B. Rosie Lerner Like many other hobbyists, gardening enthusiasts have their own jargon. Some of these terms can be confusing, especially to the gardening newcomer. Here’s a brief list of terms that all gardeners should be familiar with. Annual -— Plant that completes its life cycle from seed germination to seed production in one… Continue reading.