Marshall County REMC
Marshall County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Plymouth, Indiana. As a cooperative, Marshall County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
More Stories
Helping our community
On July 25, the Operation Round Up board awarded three grants, totaling $4,200, to local organizations. Argos Community Elementary School received funding to assist third grade teacher Ashley Thayer and her co-worker in building a classroom library for her students. Students between preschool and sixth grade attend Argos Elementary. Marshall County Historical Society Inc. received… Continue reading.
4-H Electric Program Winners
Junior Divisions Division 1: Circuit Board Champion: Reed Selner Reserve Champion: Anthony Padilla Division 2: Shake Flashlight Champion: Caden Large Reserve Champion: Travis Barnhart Division 3: Trouble Light Champion: Cassidy Riddle Reserve Champion: Aurora Davis Junior Grand Champion Cassidy Riddle Junior Reserve Grand Champion Reed Selner Senior Divisions Division 4: Lamp Champion: Caleb Poisel Reserve… Continue reading.
Harvest workers urged to take time to reap safe harvest
It can be an exciting and exhausting time, the culmination of a season of hard work. However, the rush to harvest can also yield tragic outcomes. Each year, dozens of farm workers are killed, and hundreds are injured in accidents involving power lines and electrical equipment. “Things people see every day can fade from view,… Continue reading.
Save the dates!
New energy sources will soon greet Midwesterners turning on their morning lights. This fall, Wabash Valley Power Association (WVPA) will celebrate several ribbon cuttings for solar arrays constructed this year. The dedications will take place Sept. 14 in Peru, Indiana, at Miami-Cass REMC; Sept. 20 with Citizens Electric Corp. in Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, and Sept…. Continue reading.
New one in the sun
A dawning sun soon will be the newest way to energize more of the Midwest. Wabash Valley Power (WVPA) is installing three solar arrays, which are a series of solar panels linked together to create electricity from sunlight, at member co-op locations in Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. The new arrays will join three existing arrays… Continue reading.
Helping the community
On April 25, the Marshall County REMC Operation Round Up board awarded five grants, totaling $5,000, to the following organizations: Freedom Park received funding to assist with the purchase of a variety of swings for the park. Freedom Park’s mission is to build a playground where differences disappear and children share experiences with their peers,… Continue reading.
Use caution when paying your bill online
Many members choose to pay their bill online because it is more convenient and saves time. That is why Marshall County REMC provides online bill payment options, including our mobile app. These options are secure, reliable and are provided at no additional cost to the member. Recently, Marshall County REMC learned of a bill payment… Continue reading.
Stay alert: Make room for roadside crews
When the power goes out, so do Marshall County REMC’s line crews. Lineworkers are the first to respond after an outage occurs, and they work tirelessly to restore power to the communities we serve. If you’re traveling and see one of our crews on the side of the road, we kindly ask that you move… Continue reading.
Don’t attach items to poles
Attaching signs, posters, satellite dishes and other objects to utility poles without Marshall County REMC’s consent could pose a serious threat to our linemen. Marshall County REMC linemen have reported utility poles being used as community bulletin boards, satellite mounts and even deer stands. Attaching items to an electric utility pole is not only an… Continue reading.
Outage reporting tips
Before calling Marshall County REMC to report an outage, first check to see if your home’s circuit panel or fuse box hasn’t tripped or blown a fuse. Reset the breaker or replace the fuse, if needed. Call your neighbors. If the power is out in your entire neighborhood, report the outage. Turn off the HVAC,… Continue reading.
Be water wise
From showering in the morning to brushing teeth before bed, people use water throughout the day for a variety of reasons — often without considering the costs that are circling down the drain with it. The Department of Energy estimates that heating water accounts for about 18 percent of a monthly utility bill, the second… Continue reading.