BY RICHARD G. BIEVER When we think of “treasures,” we might think of things buried in our own backyards — gold and gemstones left by the forces of nature … gold and jewels left by the devices of men. We might think of precious people who left marks on history, or precious plants and animal… Continue reading.
The sweltering summer heat can mean diving into your swimming pool — and high diving deep into energy costs. With temperatures starting to rise, you may be eyeing the swimming pool to help cool you off this summer. If you have a pool at your home, you likely are not yearning as much for those… Continue reading.
That’s why current customers whose accounts were active in 2006, 2007 or 2008 will see reduced bills this spring as we return over $232,500 to our members. As part of our capital credit retirement, members whose accounts were active from 2006-2008 will see a bill credit on their statement (as shown to the right): cycles… Continue reading.
Following the first quarter of 2019, the Operation Round Up board of advisors is happy to report that four local organizations received funding for community development projects around Steuben County. These grantees include: • Steuben County 4-H Fair Association for renovations and improvements of Rensch Hall and the Steuben County Park. • Fremont Area Chamber… Continue reading.
Sign up by May 15 & earn a credit worth up to $90* Contact Josh Durbin, your energy advisor at Steuben County REMC, at 260-665-3563. Learn how you can earn up to a $90* bill credit when you put the PowerShift program to work with your air conditioner and/or pool pump. You can sign up… Continue reading.
Manage your monthly bills by paying an equalized budget amount each month. Steuben County REMC offers budget billing for members who have been in their homes at least 12 consecutive months. Budget accounts are recalculated during the spring and fall shoulder seasons and the monthly budget amount is adjusted accordingly. Any credit or debit balance… Continue reading.
May is National Electrical Safety Month, and here at Southern Indiana Power we think it’s a great time to check your home for potential safety hazards. Remember, every electrical device has a purpose and a service lifespan. While we can extend their operations with maintenance and care, none of them are designed to last or… Continue reading.
Southern Indiana Power crews started installing new, automated meters last month and will continue to install new meters over the next 48 months. Replacing your meter will only take a few minutes. You may notice a brief interruption in power during the exchange. However, reliability and electric service will not be affected. The new automated… Continue reading.
When weather turns bad, we know how important right-of-way clearing can be for keeping your lights on. Keep a lookout for the following crews in your area this spring/summer: • H & L Tree Trimming will be working in the Newtonville area (heading south and west toward Highland Road to PVS Steel Services). • K&K… Continue reading.
Southern Indiana Power is sponsoring two students on the Indiana Youth Tour to Washington, D.C., June 13-20. Youth Tour provides young Hoosiers the opportunity to tour the nation’s capital, learn about cooperatives, experience American history and gain a better understanding of our government. Kaylee Burden and Kaitlyn Sturgeon both attend Perry Central High School and… Continue reading.