Apply today for these amazing youth programs

Posted on Jan 31 2025 in LaGrange County REMC

Last year’s LaGrange County REMC scholarship winners included, clockwise, Hope Bortner, Taylor Jerdon, and Mason Wire.

Camp Kilowatt 

Dates: June 4-7

Camp Kilowatt, held at Camp Tecumseh in Brookston, is a fun experience for sixth grade students going into seventh grade across Indiana. Kids get the chance to learn more about energy while making new friends and enjoying fun activities and games. This dynamic three-day camp includes the following activities: electricity generation and transmission education, horseback riding, bucket truck rides, rock climbing, archery, alternative energy education, internet safety, zipline, a live safety demonstration, swimming, and much  more! Application deadline is March 3.

Indiana Youth Tour

Dates: June 15-22

Indiana’s electric cooperatives sponsor students going into their senior year of high school to take part in a life-changing educational adventure to Washington, D.C. 

Highlights of the eight-day trip include visits to historic monuments and museums, meetings on Capitol Hill with Indiana’s congressional delegation, the opportunity to make lifelong friends, and much more. Application deadline is March 3.

Cooperative Calendar of Student Art Contest

Indiana K-12 public, private or home-schooled students are invited to enter the Cooperative Calendar of Student Art Contest for a chance to illustrate an award-winning wall calendar. Each year, 13 first-place winners and additional honorable mention winners will have their artwork featured in the calendar — and will receive cash prizes. Learn more at Deadline to apply is Feb. 28.


LaGrange County REMC annually awards three $1,000 scholarships to help area students further their education at an accredited college or trade school of their choice.

The only requirements for applying are that the student must be an actively enrolled senior, the primary residence of their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) must be within LaGrange County REMC’s territory and they must be members in good standing with the co-op. Scholarship applications are due March 21.


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