The 79th Miami-Cass REMC Member Appreciation Day and Annual Meeting was held July 25 at Peru High School. Total attendance at the meeting was over 600 with 207 registered members representing nearly 4.3 percent of the total voting membership.

Total attendance at the Member Appreciation Day and Annual Meeting was over 600. Thank you to all who attended!
All registered members who attended received a $15 bill credit and were able to enjoy a beef and noodles meal provided by Vibrant Events Catering of Lucerne.Entertainment was provided by Time Travelers.
Miami-Cass REMC Director of Member Services Kim Burton welcomed everyone, Pastor Zachary Wright gave the invocation and Time Travelers sang the national anthem.
REMC Board President Don Willson called the meeting to order and thanked everyone for coming. He commented on the REMC receiving a clean audit and that even though the business is ever-changing, like many other businesses, he is confident the team will continue to deliver cost-effective, reliable services. He thanked CEO Rob Schwartz and the staff for another great year as well as Director of Operations Brandon Williams and the linemen for another year with no lost-time accidents.
Schwartz then addressed the members (see highlights on page 5).
Scott Bowers, vice president of government relations for Indiana Electric Cooperatives (IEC), updated attendees on what is happening at IEC, specifically in the areas of government relations and broadband availability.
Greg Wagoner, executive vice president at Wabash Valley Power Association (WVPA), shared that WVPA is about providing cleaner and more environmentally friendly power which includes three more solar projects. He also discussed the company’s transmission reliability efforts and thanked Schwartz, the Miami-Cass REMC board and its employees.
The meeting was concluded with the board of directors’ election results, selection of scholarship winners and winners of $500 and $100 bill credits.
Director election results:
DISTRICT 1 — Dennis (Jim) Savage
DISTRICT 3 — Scott Marschand
DISTRICT 4 — Don Willson
We hope to see you at our 80th annual meeting next year!