Amy Waters recognized as Rockstar Employee

Amy Waters and Randy Price
Amy Waters accepts her Rockstar Employee Award from PPEC President/CEO Randy Price.

Congratulations to Dispatcher Amy Waters, who was voted by PPEC’s employees as the 2023 Rockstar Employee for Quarter 2! This internal quarterly recognition program allows employees to nominate and vote on deserving co-workers they feel have gone above and beyond or deserve recognition.

Waters joined the PPEC team in April 2011. She dispatches crews to outages, communicates with the lineworkers through radio and makes sure everyone gets to and from their worksites safely.

Waters is also involved in many projects at the co-op such as the Member Appreciation Day and CREW committees. She attended RELITE (Rural Electric Leaders In Training Exchange) to further her leadership skills, and she recently planned the co-op’s service project with Clothes for Joes, including the Veterans Day donation drive.


“To me, the Rockstar Award means going above and beyond, stepping up, helping to ease the workload for others, or just changing someone’s day with a positive attitude and a smile! I am very honored that my co-workers chose me for the this award. It is a good feeling knowing that my extra efforts don’t go unnoticed! This is not something I take lightly.

“I feel we have a great team at PPEC and we are all rockstars. I don’t feel like I deserve it any more than anybody else, but knowing my co-workers nominated me keeps me motivated every day to be a good person!”


“The biggest projects lately have been participating on the Member Appreciation Day and the CREW committees, attending RELITE, and working with strict deadlines for all of these. I also have to keep up with my day-to-day work. These are all very fulfilling tasks that require a lot of my time and attention. However, the one that has had the biggest impact on me, by far, was my service project for RELITE. It was so fulfilling to see the impact that we had on so many individuals’ lives, and I also made several new friends along the way!”


“It is a great place to work, and I love what I do. I have learned to take each day as it comes and try not to let the small things bother me. I cherish the friendships that I have made over the years. I know if I need something, there are people here that will step up and help me out when I need something!”

Here’s a quote that sums me up:

4“Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.”
— Dolly Parton

Read more from Waters and see her at work by visiting our website or scanning the QR code below.

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