A season of meaningful connections

Posted on Mar 16 2024 in Kosciusko REMC
Kurt Carver

As March unfolds before us, the air is charged with the promise of spring. This is a time of growth, renewal, and fresh opportunities. It’s a season that ignites our spirit and calls us to action.

Here at Kosciusko REMC, we’re busily gearing up for a season filled with dynamic community engagement. One standout event on our calendar is the 2024 Warsaw Home & Outdoor Show, happening from March 8 to 10. Kosciusko Connect is proud to be the premiere sponsor of this event. It’s a weekend the Kosciusko community looks forward to year after year. You’ll find more details about the Home & Outdoor Show in this edition of Indiana Connection.

Beyond the excitement of events like the Home & Outdoor Show, it’s essential to remember the heart of what makes us strong — the cooperative spirit. It’s the spirit that binds us together as members of a community-driven organization. And as we look ahead to our Annual Meeting in June, it’s this spirit that will guide us in shaping the future of our cooperative. More details about this important gathering can also be found in this issue of Indiana Connection.

As we welcome the warmth and energy of spring, let’s harness that same energy to deepen our connections with one another and with our cooperative. Whether it’s volunteering for a local cause, participating in cooperative programs, or simply reaching out to a neighbor, let’s embrace the cooperative values that define us.

Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to our cooperative. Together, let’s make this spring a season of meaningful connections and shared successes.