Update on consolidation

Posted on Mar 26 2018 in Kankakee Valley REMC

During the month of March, Kankakee Valley REMC and Jasper County REMC directors were presented with the financial analysis and power cost study for a combined entity. Board of directors from their respective cooperatives are doing their due diligence in reviewing the materials provided to them to identify the savings and any challenges of these two cooperatives becoming one.

The next step of this process is the vote of each cooperative’s board of directors to take it to the membership for its approval. At the time of press for the April edition of the Electric Consumer, a vote had not taken place.

This vote will signify if the directors wish to pursue the consolidation. If both boards vote “yes”, then each board will determine when to bring the proposed consolidation to the membership of each respective REMC. It is ultimately the decision of both memberships to determine the outcome of the consolidation conversation.