One of the things that makes Boone REMC unique is that, annually, our customers — who are also member-owners of our cooperative — can vote in board of director elections. Boone REMC is governed by a nine-member board, with each director representing a district of our service territory for three-year terms. Below are several important updates related to this annual event.
Board of directors election
In April 2025, directors will be elected for districts 7, 8, and 9. Each member who participates in the election will earn a $10 bill credit.
To control costs, we will not be mailing paper ballots to all our members as we have done the past few years. Instead, we will send online voting instructions via email in March. If you do not have an email address or if you would prefer not to vote online, you must complete the form at by April 9. If you need help completing the form, call us at 800-897-7362 or stop by our office and a member services representative will be happy to help you.
Drive-thru member event
Each year, in conjunction with the director election, we hold a drive-thru event for members as a convenient way to return their director election ballots and visit with co-op employees. This year’s drive-thru event will be held on Thursday, April 24, from 3 to 5:45 p.m. in Boone REMC Hall at the Boone County 4-H Fairgrounds.
Please note that no paper ballots will be available in the drive-thru line, nor will you be able to vote online at the time of the drive-thru. As noted above, if you wish to receive a paper ballot to bring to the drive-thru, you must request one prior to April 9.
Annual business meeting
Our annual business meeting will begin at 6 p.m., at the conclusion of the drive-thru event, in the Boone Cooperative Advantage Building at the fairgrounds. Members are invited to attend in person to hear important updates from the cooperative, including a financial report. The meeting will also be live-streamed on our website and aired on 102.7 FM.
Post-secondary scholarship drawings
Boone REMC awards educational scholarships as a part of our annual business meeting. This year, we’ll draw 10 – $1,000 recipients. Applications are due by April 22, 2025. More details are available at