2021 annual meeting minutes

Posted on May 02 2022 in Decatur County REMC

The virtual annual meeting of the members of the Decatur County Rural Electric Membership Corporation was held at the Decatur County REMC office, Greensburg, Indiana, beginning at 6:30 p.m. on June 11. CEO Brett Abplanalp welcomed the members and lead the Pledge of Allegiance. There was a moment of silence to recognize and thank military veterans, first responders and healthcare workers. The meeting was called to order by Board Chairman Michael Brelage and Brian Scheidler, secretary, kept the minutes.

The Secretary read the notice of the meeting together with the proof of mailing thereof to all of the members of the corporation; and such notice and proofs were ordered annexed to the minutes of the annual meeting of the members.

The annual report, which included the treasurer’s report, was mailed to each member.

Upon motion properly made and carried, the minutes of the annual meeting of the members held June 11, 2020, were approved as printed in the annual report.

CEO, Brett Abplanalp, reported to the membership on the activities at Decatur County REMC for the year 2020. 

Election results of Directors and Nominating Committee were reported by Attorney, Don Wickens. There were a total of 1,440 votes cast, which more than exceeded quorum for bylaws requirements.

 Those elected and certified for directors of the corporation were:

  • Brian Scheidler, District 5
  • Dale Wernke, District 6
  • Clay Nuhring, District 8

The following persons were elected to the nominating committee:

  • V. Albert Armand, District 5  (2-year term)
  • Jarrod Daeger, District 6
  • Joe Dwenger, District 7
  • Joyce Kessens, District 8

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.