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‘No hands’ make light work

Posted on Jan 26, 2015 in Energy

My kitchen faucet has a very slow drip and the finish is worn. I want to replace it with one that is attractive and convenient to use. I often wash dishes by hand, so what is the most efficient design to purchase? Most people think of a kitchen faucet as just a simple valve to… Continue reading.

Warming body and soles

Posted on Dec 14, 2014 in Energy

I often feel chilly in my home, especially during the winter months. I know electric resistance heating can be expensive to use, but I really like the idea of in-floor heating. Does it only work with tile flooring, or can it be used under carpet? What types are available? Electric resistance systems are expensive to… Continue reading.

A Place in the Sun

Posted on Mar 12, 2012 in Energy, Features

Five months ago, this “Indiana Home” in Lafayette was gleaming — but not in the moonlight upon the nearby Wabash. Rather, the cute clapboard bungalow new to Shenandoah Drive basked in the sunlight upon the Potomac — amid memorials and monuments in the nation’s capital — and in the glow of national praise. Dubbed “INhome” for… Continue reading.

Extend indoors out

Posted on Mar 01, 2012 in Energy

Q: I have an old picture window I want to replace with a bay window. My budget is tight. Which type is best and most efficient? Should I buy an entire unit or assemble one from individual windows? Those old, large single-pane picture windows, which were common in houses built many years ago, are extremely… Continue reading.

Protect electronic devices

Posted on Feb 28, 2012 in Energy

Q: We have many electronic gadgets in our house, and I am concerned about a voltage surge ruining them. Are there whole-house surge suppressors that will protect everything electric in our house?  People often think of only electronic gadgets, such as computers, game consoles, and audiovisual items, as being at risk from electrical surges. Actually,… Continue reading.

Balancing temperatures

Posted on Jul 28, 2011 in Energy

Q: We have a problem keeping several rooms comfortable. These rooms are either chilly during winter or hot during summer. What are some simple efficient methods to balance out room temperatures? Nearly every house has some problems keeping all the rooms evenly warmed or cooled. The heating, cooling, and ventilation system (HVAC) is one of… Continue reading.

Catching Wind

Posted on Sep 22, 2010 in Energy, Features

Tilt toward wind turbines needs to be more than a monetary quest Bartholomew County grain farmer Jay Shoaf could hardly be confused with Don Quixote, the retired country gentleman of 17th century Spanish literature. To make better the world, Quixote, the story goes, set aside sanity to become an idealistic “knight-errant,” and wound up jousting… Continue reading.

When the Lights Go Out!

Posted on Aug 12, 2010 in Energy

How co-ops power up consumers after a storm Waves of thunder rumble a warning, then roar as rolling dark clouds gather overhead. Strong winds whip through the trees. Lights flicker, then suddenly go dark, as errant trees and  limbs somewhere along the way fall into power lines. Some storms are more silent. They come in… Continue reading.

Raising the Foundation

Posted on Jun 12, 2010 in Energy

Electric co-op home program reaps low bills, high praise Randy and Cathy Sherrod pay less than $300 to heat and cool their 3,200-square-foot home. But that’s not $300 a month — which is common for a lot of folks with a home that size. Their heating and cooling cost is less than $300  for an… Continue reading.

Energy Efficiency

Posted on Jun 16, 2009 in Energy

Home improvement investments that reduce utility bills are more important than ever. With both the cost of energy and environmental concerns rising, it’s pretty clear that the age of excess is over. And electric cooperative members everywhere are becoming smarter energy users.The aim of this month’s cover story is to provide a brief overview of… Continue reading.

Power From the People

Posted on Nov 16, 2008 in Energy, Features

Note to readers: The final element of the EPRI  “prism” strategy looks at on-site power.   Consumers find growing role in creating their own energy The electric meter on Revone Bauwens’ house was spinning backward one sunny morning last month. But nothing was wrong with the meter. Nor was the Floyds Knobs resident doing anything… Continue reading.

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