New Stories

A change of passion

Posted on Jul 26 2024 in Profile

BY JODI BORGER If you’re driving through Clayton on U.S. 40, you can’t miss the big red barn situated on the south side of the highway. That barn is where you will find Singing Crust, a bakery owned by Emily Waits, specializing in artisan breads and pastries. For Waits, baking wasn’t always her passion. As… Continue reading.

What is a kilowatt-hour?

Posted on Jul 26 2024 in Energy

BY BRIAN REYNOLDS One of the keys to understanding the utility industry or your utility bill is understanding the terminology. A common term is kilowatt-hour, the standard billing unit for electrical energy, abbreviated as kWh. It is worth noting that a kilowatt is a unit of power, while a kilowatt-hour is a unit of energy…. Continue reading.

County Profile: Sullivan County

Posted on Jul 26 2024 in County

BY NICOLE THOMAS Known as the home of outdoor recreation, Sullivan County has more than 26,000 acres of recreational grounds for various activities, from hunting and golfing to ATV riding and water skiing. Shakers, a Christian sect known for their celibacy and communal lifestyle, were the county’s first settlers in the early 1800s. This group… Continue reading.

Don’t learn these lessons from experience

Posted on Jul 26 2024 in Safety

For an inexperienced teen driver, wrecking the family car is almost a rite of passage. The only way for young drivers to gain experience is to get behind the wheel and put miles behind them. Some dangers, though, cannot be learned from personal “experience.” Take this example: an accident involving a utility pole. How the… Continue reading.

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